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Performer artists train their mind and body to achieve high levels of strength, flexibility, coordination, spatial awareness and the ability to link movement to expression.


Intense training, demanding rehearsals and performances can result in acute injuries and/or musculoskeletal imbalances to occur in the body.  The mindset of many performers is to ‘push through the pain’, however early management can prevent longer recovery periods.


During your initial consultation we will formulate a diagnosis and a collaberative treatment programme, ensuring the best outcomes.


You may find the Vocal Health Clinic useful.


Over his years of practice, Trevor has worked with many professionals (ballet and contemporary dancers, circus performer actors and singers) in the sector to help recovery from injuries and to support their wellbeing.

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Performing Artist Wellbeing Clinic


Mantining the performer’s healthy mind and body is important to ensure optimal training and performance.  Trevor offers a range of approaches to support all desiplines.


A programme will be devised to support the individual’s needs.


Trevor is a memeber of the British Performing Arts Association (BAPAM) and the Osteopathic Performing Arts Care Association (OPACA)

We also offer

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